Tung De Sem Waringin : Awaken the Giant Within

Tung Desem describes three kinds of situations that we face:

* In our control
* In our influence
* Outside of our control

Many people have a misconception. Emotions on a particular incident is still within our control, while the mood - the reaction is spontaneous and just after certain events occur - events beyond our control. In this life, whatever happens is nothing; and have new meaning when we give meaning. So when there are events that potentially blow up the emotion (anger, resentment, sadness, etc.), then we should think about:

* What can I grateful for this
* What should I learn from this incident so that I could be better
* What should I do so that makes me:
o Feel better
o Being better
o Create a better crowd
o And God blessed

In principle, the brain only seek pleasure and avoid suffering. Fortunately, this is delicious and relatively miserable existence, so we should be able to run the association the right:

* Association One: favors short-term, long-term woes
* Association of True: Passion of the short term, long-term favors
* Association of Perfect: the short-term favors, favors long-term once

Tung Desem revealed that our brain can be devastating when we:

* Ability to interpret associations toward miserable, with a useful action for self and others
* Knowing how to be willing and able to take advantage of any circumstances for the good of themselves and others
* Ability to link the (association) what to do with pleasure when done; and misery if not done
* Have a very strong reason to achieve goals
* So finally formed a pattern / habit that is able to interpret the perfect association

Our brain can become more powerful programs to achieve what we want, with:

* Influencing the information into our brains
* Giving a goal (to activate the radar)
* Give your brain a reason / are very strong conviction to take action to reach goals
* Give your brain a strategy (a way that has proven to be successful)
* Giving our brains work plan
* Giving our brains are sensitive and time to monitor
* Give your brain a chance to flexible

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